Source code for py8chan.thread

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .post import Post
from .url import Url

[docs]class Thread(object): """Represents a thread. Attributes: closed (bool): Whether the thread has been closed. sticky (bool): Whether this thread is a 'sticky'. topic (:class:`py8chan.Post`): Topic post of the thread, the OP. posts (list of :class:`py8chan.Post`): List of all posts in the thread, including the OP. all_posts (list of :class:`py8chan.Post`): List of all posts in the thread, including the OP and any omitted posts. url (string): URL of the thread, not including semantic slug. Undefined Attributes (Not implemented in 8chan API. Do not use.): replies and images: Infuriatingly, the OP post in a thread doesn't list how many replies there are in a thread. semantic_url (string): URL of this post, with the thread's 'semantic' component. semantic_slug (string): This post's 'semantic slug'. """ def __init__(self, board, id): self._board = board self._url = Url(, https=board.https) # 8chan URL generator = self.number = self.num = = id self.topic = None self.replies = [] self.is_404 = False self.last_reply_id = 0 self.omitted_posts = 0 self.omitted_images = 0 self.want_update = False def __len__(self): return self.num_replies @property def _api_url(self): return self._url.thread_api_url( @property def closed(self): return self.topic._data.get('closed') == 1 @property def sticky(self): return self.topic._data.get('sticky') == 1 # 8chan puts last modified in JSON instead of the HTTP header @property def _last_modified(self): return self.topic._data.get('last-modified') @classmethod def _from_request(cls, board, res, id): if res.status_code == 404: return None res.raise_for_status() return cls._from_json(res.json(), board, id) @classmethod def _from_json(cls, json, board, id=None): t = cls(board, id) posts = json['posts'] head, rest = posts[0], posts[1:] t.topic = t.op = Post(t, head) t.replies.extend(Post(t, p) for p in rest) = head.get('no', id) t.num_replies = len(posts) - 1 # There's no "replies" item in OP on 8ch! t.num_images = 0 # There's no "images" item in OP on 8ch! t.omitted_images = head.get('omitted_images', 0) t.omitted_posts = head.get('omitted_posts', 0) if id is not None: if not t.replies: t.last_reply_id = t.topic.post_number else: t.last_reply_id = t.replies[-1].post_number else: t.want_update = True return t
[docs] def files(self): """Returns the URLs of all files attached to posts in the thread.""" # yield all from the topic if self.topic.has_file: for item in self.topic.all_files(): yield item.file_url # yield all from other posts for reply in self.replies: if reply.has_file: for item in reply.all_files(): yield item.file_url
[docs] def thumbs(self): """Returns the URLs of all thumbnails in the thread.""" # yield all from the topic if self.topic.has_file: for item in self.topic.all_files(): yield item.thumbnail_url # yield all from other posts for reply in self.replies: if reply.has_file: for item in reply.all_files(): yield item.thumbnail_url
[docs] def filenames(self): """Returns the filenames of all files attached to posts in the thread.""" # yield all from the topic if self.topic.has_file: for item in self.topic.all_files(): yield item.filename # yield all from other posts for reply in self.replies: if reply.has_file: for item in reply.all_files(): yield item.filename
[docs] def thumbnames(self): """Returns the filenames of all thumbnails in the thread.""" # yield all from the topic if self.topic.has_file: for item in self.topic.all_files(): yield item.thumbnail_fname # yield all from other posts for reply in self.replies: if reply.has_file: for item in reply.all_files(): yield item.thumbnail_fname
def file_objects(self): """Returns the :class:`py8chan.File` objects of all files attached to posts in the thread.""" # yield all from the topic if self.topic.has_file: for item in self.topic.all_files(): yield item # yield all from other posts for reply in self.replies: if reply.has_file: for item in reply.all_files(): yield item
[docs] def update(self, force=False): """Fetch new posts from the server. Arguments: force (bool): Force a thread update, even if thread has 404'd. Returns: int: How many new posts have been fetched. """ # The thread has already 404'ed, this function shouldn't do anything anymore. if self.is_404 and not force: return 0 if self._last_modified: headers = {'If-Modified-Since': self._last_modified} else: headers = None # random connection errors, just return 0 and try again later try: res = self._board._requests_session.get(self._api_url, headers=headers) except: # try again later return 0 # 304 Not Modified, no new posts. if res.status_code == 304: return 0 # 404 Not Found, thread died. elif res.status_code == 404: self.is_404 = True # remove post from cache, because it's gone. self._board._thread_cache.pop(, None) return 0 elif res.status_code == 200: # If we somehow 404'ed, we should put ourself back in the cache. if self.is_404: self.is_404 = False self._board._thread_cache[] = self # Remove self.want_update = False self.omitted_images = 0 self.omitted_posts = 0 posts = res.json()['posts'] original_post_count = len(self.replies) self.topic = Post(self, posts[0]) if self.last_reply_id and not force: self.replies.extend(Post(self, p) for p in posts if p['no'] > self.last_reply_id) else: self.replies[:] = [Post(self, p) for p in posts[1:]] new_post_count = len(self.replies) post_count_delta = new_post_count - original_post_count if not post_count_delta: return 0 self.last_reply_id = self.replies[-1].post_number return post_count_delta else: res.raise_for_status()
[docs] def expand(self): """If there are omitted posts, update to include all posts.""" if self.omitted_posts > 0: self.update()
@property def posts(self): return [self.topic] + self.replies @property def all_posts(self): self.expand() return self.posts @property def https(self): return self._board._https @property def url(self): return self._url.thread_url( # 8chan/vichan does not use semantic urls @property def semantic_url(self): raise AttributeError( "'py8chan.Thread' object has no attribute 'semantic_url'" ) # 8chan/vichan does not use semantic slugs @property def semantic_slug(self): raise AttributeError( "'py8chan.Thread' object has no attribute 'semantic_slug'" ) def __repr__(self): extra = '' if self.omitted_images or self.omitted_posts: extra = ', %i omitted images, %i omitted posts' % ( self.omitted_images, self.omitted_posts ) return '<Thread /%s/%i, %i replies%s>' % (,, len(self.replies), extra )