
When using py8chan, it can be a bit hard to find where to begin. Here, we run through how to create and use the various objects available in this module.


py8chan.Board is the first thing you create when using py8chan. Everything else is created through that class. The most basic way to create a board is as below:

board = py8chan.Board('v')

This creates a py8chan.Board object that you can then use to create py8chan.Thread and py8chan.Post objects.

But what sort of things does a py8chan.Board object let you do?

Here’s a short code snippet of us printing out how many threads are active on a board:

board = py8chan.Board('v')
thread_ids = board.get_all_thread_ids()
str_thread_ids = [str(id) for id in thread_ids]  # need to do this so str.join below works
print('There are', len(all_ids), 'active threads on /tg/:', ', '.join(str_thread_ids))


Listing how many threads exist on a board is all well and good, but most people want to actually get threads and do things with them. Here, we’ll describe how to do that.

All py8chan.Thread objects are created by a py8chan.Board object, using one of the py8chan.Board.get_thread() methods.

For this example, we have a user ask us about “thread 1234”, and we return information about it:

thread_id = 1234
board = py8chan.Board('v')

if board.thread_exists(thread_id):
    thread = board.get_thread(thread_id)

    # print thread information
    print('Thread', thread_id)
    if thread.closed:
        print('  is closed')
    if thread.sticky
        print('  is a sticky')

    # information from the OP
    topic = thread.topic
    print('  is named:', topic.subject)
    print('  and was made by:', name, email)